I was running some errands and had seen an ad on TV for a big One Day Sale at Macy's. One of the items on sale was a roaster pan (for $ 5.99) and we needed one for our Thanksgiving turkey. I wasn't sure I'd read the price right, so I went by Macy's on my way home to find out if they had any of the pans and if they were really that inexpensive. Once at the store, I waited my turn to speak to one of the salespeople and ended up talking to an employee named Angela. She told me that yes, they had a roaster pan at the price I saw on TV (the regular price was $ 20.00), and walked me over to the area where the pans were. I was about to ask her if I needed to come back on Saturday, the day of the sale (this item was one of their "doorbusters") and if maybe she could put one on hold for me until then, when she said "I'll take care of ya", took one of the pans over to the register, put another barcode sticker on it and rang it up at the sale price. We wished each other "Happy Holidays" and I went on my way with a smile on my face.
Don't know if Angela was spreading holiday cheer a little early or if she does this type of stuff year-round, but I know that her small gesture made my day!
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

PS: Thanks to those who participated in the M&M poll, and I guess we had an overwhelming majority (of 3 votes) who chose Peanut. As an avid dark chocolate fan, all I can say is you're missing out!