It's been over two weeks since Andrew's birthday. I was almost done with his birthday post last week, but then we left on vacation (a post on that later) and I didn't get around to finish the post until now. Here's a recap of the day's events and some Andrew-related pictures.
Andrew's birthday was on Friday, June 6th. Alas, he could not get that day off work, so while he was at work, I rushed to buy a birthday present for him. You may wonder why I waited until "the" day to go shopping, and the answer is simple: Andrew. He's not a big fan of CDs or movies, so those were out. He was already getting clothes from my parents, so that option was out as well. He likes camping and hunting stuff, but is very particular about said "stuff" (i.e. what brand and type of gun, tent or sleeping bag he gets). And he had mentioned an XBOX 360 a few times, but I vetoed that one. Finally, on Thursday night (pretty late, I might add), the clouds broke and he gave me viable birthday present option, one of these....
The Acu Rite weather station
Although it wasn't much of a surprise gift, Andrew was happy to get it and to find it had ALL the features he wanted. He immediately set up the sensor outside and got the weather station set up and working. We didn't do much else that day, other than prepare food and clean the house for the party on Saturday.
The party itself was very low key. Amelia and Jeremiah and two of Andrew's co-workers came over with their wives. We enjoyed some good BBQ (courtesy of the birthday boy) and other great food. We also watched the UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship) fights. Well, the men watched the fights, the women visited most of the time.
In closing here's a little Google Image tribute to Andrew:

Andrew has an incredible sense of direction. He hardly ever gets lost, and is very good at finding his way to places, even if he's never been to that particular place/town before.
Andrew can find and fix what's wrong with your car better than some mechanics I've met. Case in point, when we were engaged, my car had a belt that snapped and I took it into a mechanic shop close to my office. They replace the belt...and it snapped. They replaced it again...and it snapped yet again. This final snap came on a Saturday, as I was driving the car home from the mechanic. Andrew took the matter into his own hands, bought and replaced the belt on the side of the road and figured out that the overeager mechanic had put it the belt dangerously tight (twice).
So there you have it. Andrew's (belated) introduction into his 30's. Feel free to greet/ congratulate / tease / harass him via comments =).
The party itself was very low key. Amelia and Jeremiah and two of Andrew's co-workers came over with their wives. We enjoyed some good BBQ (courtesy of the birthday boy) and other great food. We also watched the UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship) fights. Well, the men watched the fights, the women visited most of the time.
In closing here's a little Google Image tribute to Andrew:
Andrew has an incredible sense of direction. He hardly ever gets lost, and is very good at finding his way to places, even if he's never been to that particular place/town before.
He loves to barbecue, but he can cook many other things. He quickly learned how to make Argentine food (milanesas, empanadas, chimichurri sauce for stakes) and loves experimenting with food and spices.
So there you have it. Andrew's (belated) introduction into his 30's. Feel free to greet/ congratulate / tease / harass him via comments =).