Amber turned two yesterday.
(Already? you say... I can't believe it either)

After a "Happy Birthday!" , the day started off like most days: we had breakfast, watched cartoons and did a little cleaning around the house. Then Amber stayed at a friend's house while I worked (over the phone). After that, we went window shopping for a "big girl bed" ( this will be a joint gift between Grandma and Grandpa Molnar and Mom and Dad) and bought "Big Bird's First Book of Letters ". Once we came home, it was time for a nap, and while Amber slept, I took care of few other things (work and house related) until Andrew came home.
At about 7:30ish, a UPS truck came by with a present from Christian, Kristen, Hannah, Ethan and Jack (in Seattle).
Later on, Amelia and Jeremiah came over for some pizza and birthday brownies, and some more present-opening madness ensued =).

(much better than packing peanuts...)
That was Amber's birthday in a blogger nutshell... which reminds me, we started this blog a year ago with a mention of Amber's birthday.
It just goes to show you, it's all about...