As usual, every few months, it seems I (we) fall off the face of the Earth, in blogging terms. I suppose I could say I have a valid reason for slacking off on my blogging duties, but I'd be lying, because I don't, really. I can't say nothing exciting has happened in the last 2 months, because we've done plenty of fun stuff. I can't say "I simply don't have the time," because I do, in fact, have time. I just seem to spend most of it checking out other people's blogs and playing on Facebook.
I have never been a good/consistent journal writer. I have never been a good writer, period. You've heard that saying: "Those who can't do, teach." Well, in my case, it would be "Those who can't write, translate," or interpret, in my case. In college, I had a hard time writing a cohesive 5 page paper. 5 pages! Can you imagine me going on to grad school and trying to write a dissertation? I mean, have you seen most of the posts on this blog? 2-3 paragraphs tops. I guess my dreams of being a Dooce /CJane /Amelia are now dashed. * (sad, so sad :P)
I am back, nonetheless, and there will be camping, spring and summer pictures coming up soon.
* If you don't know who these bloggers are, the first two are well known cheeky / sarcastic / entertaining bloggers that have a fairly large followings in the blogosphere. The 3rd one is my sis-in-law, and those three adjectives I just mentioned apply to her blog as as well.