but it's very close to what I see every morning around 6:30 a.m.
Let's face it, I am not, never have been and never will be a morning person. And Amber seems to have inherited that tendency from me . I drag myself out of bed every morning and, after getting a few things ready for the day ahead, I go into Amber's room to wake her up. This usually takes about a minute or two. . .or five. I usually sit on her bed and start calling her name softly a few times . . . nothing. Then I give her a few kisses... nothing still, and then suddenly she bolts up, bleary-eyed, hair pointing every which way, and looks around as if saying "what happened?! wha..!? I'm up, I'M UP!"
Poor child, she is so used to waking up at 6:15 a.m., when darkness still reigns both inside and outside our house, that the other night I went to check on her before heading to bed, and as I moved her around to rearrange her covers a bit, she sat up and started trying to get out of bed. It took quite a few "no, no, it's ok, go back to sleep. Mom's just checking on you," but she eventually curled back up in bed and went to sleep. I gave her a kiss, and as I was walking away I heard "love youuu." :)
So funny! She cracks me up! I feel the same way in the morning! I can't blame her one bit! :)
that's my morning face too.
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