Sunday, December 23, 2007

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas...

So I don't post anything for weeks, and then post 2 posts in as many days. I just couldn't resist showing off some "snow pictures". Here are a few we took today when we went to Jeff's house (Jeff is one of Andrew's co-workers):

Amber and I in our "snow gear"

Here's a closer look

"Hi everyone!"

We've had quite a bit of snow, both last night and this afternoon, and it looks like we may get some more in the next day or two. Lucky for us, we aren't going anywhere for the holidays, so we can enjoy the snow without worrying about having to drive in it or be stuck in the airport because of it. To those who will be traveling, please be safe!

Have a Merry Christmas !

P.S.: Thanks to everyone who voted for Amber! She didn't make it to the finals, but it was still fun to participate in the contest. =)

Saturday, December 22, 2007


No, no, she's not running for President (yet).

This might sound cheesy, but we sent Amber's picture to a website called Celebrity Baby Blog. The website posts (what else?) pictures and news stories about celebrities' babies and kids, and it has a contest going on right now to find kids who look most like celebrity babies. Amber is in a group of 10 babies that look like Shiloh Jolie-Pitt. Voting is taking place today, so please vote for her! Here is the site...

Here are bigger pictures of Shiloh and Amber (the pictures in the website are pretty small)

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Christmas Pictures!

Today Amber had her Christmas / One Year pictures taken. She had a great time smiling and playing with the props (as you can see below). Anyway, here are a few poses!

My snowball

Posing "in the woods"

Chillin' on the sleigh

My Snowball 2 (zoomed out)

Ha ha ha
(or should we say Ho Ho Ho?)