Saturday, October 16, 2010

It's over!

At last!  The long-awaited (by me) ending to The Willow story.  So, last month, after doing some preliminary cutting and pruning, we had a few friends over to help us cut down the willow.

There was much pulling

Sawing and clipping

A little stomping

Even more sawing

A few casualties       

And an oops or two        

It was all over within a couple of hours, so we can't complain.  You would not believe how different the house looks without the willow in the front yard. Several neighbors drove by and looked sad about our getting rid of the tree, but based on the complaints made to our HOA, I think they were all lying :P.

Here's the climactic ending tot he Willow Saga, and the source of the post title:

Friday, September 10, 2010

Tomorrow, tomorrow, la la la , tomorrow

When we first bought our house, Andrew and I were pretty excited about all the trees that came with it.  10-12 trees lining the back fence, 3 others in the backyard closer to the house, and 2 trees up front.  Well, within the first couple of years of living here, our excitement over said trees waned significantly. And now we're at the point of "can we just cut down that tree already?!" One of the trees that has made me utter such statement is THE WILLOW.

According to our neighbors, there were 2 or 3 of guys who lived in this house 10-12 years ago, and they planted every tree we inherited with the house.  Apparently, this willow (which towers about 10 ft over our house) was first this tiny, flimsy little seedling that was not supposed to last more than a few weeks. Well, he (she/it) showed them!  It's not just the sheer size of it.   It's the fact that the roots are going everywhere, and threatening to mess up our driveway and the sidewalk, the leaves (oh, the leaves) in the fall, the fuzzies (or whatever they're called) in spring. Not to say that's it's not a fun tree. There are lots of things you can do with a gargantuan weeping willow...

Jeepin'.  Summer of 2006 (2 a.m.)
Our initials
 But the nuisances outweigh the fun, so go it must.

Well, this spring and summer, Andrew (with the help of friends) has been taking down most of the trees lining the fence, and he's decided to tackle the willow this weekend (happy dance!).  Today he spent some time cutting down some long, skinny branches.

To be continued tomorrow...

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Hello again!

I LOVE the new template designer tool on Blogger.  This is my first try at it, but I'll probably keep playing with backgrounds, fonts,etc for a while.  It's too much fun!

Anyway, the past couple of months have been busy:

 - I'm still working at the courthouse. My boss was on maternity leave, so I worked (mostly) full time for about 6 weeks.  My schedule is almost back to normal.  Two full days a week and then freelance work.

 - Amber is now a Sunbeam!  The first few weeks in January were a little tough.  She wanted to go back to Nursery and play with toys, but she adapted in a few weeks and she's loving her  new class and teacher.

 - Andrew started college classes on January 19th.  He's attending the College of Western Idaho and is doing very well.  Mostly A's and B's!

Well, that's a quick catch-up of the beginning of the 2010. I'll be back soon with other posts.

Friday, January 08, 2010


No, not the show! The title refers to the challenge to read the Book of Mormon in 30 days.  Remember I mentioned I had fallen behind?  Well, I'm still reading.  It turns out my reading speed is nowhere near what I thought it was.  I decided the worst thing I could do, once the 30 days were over, was to just give up and stop reading.  So here I am, in the middle of Alma... I'll keep you posted with my progress.