Sunday, February 15, 2009

A little perspective

So, last week I had one of "those" days.

First, I had get through 90+ minutes of this to get to work...

while loaded up on some of this stuff, thanks to a miserable cold...

and, to add insult to injury, I opened my purse when I got to work
and found this had happened to my new phone...
(red marking added for emphasis ;) )

Funny thing, it only took five minutes of this to get me back into a (very) good mood...

Friday, February 06, 2009

Wha..?! I'm up, I'm up!

This picture is from Christmas morning (2008)
but it's very close to what I see every morning around 6:30 a.m.

Let's face it, I am not, never have been and never will be a morning person. And Amber seems to have inherited that tendency from me . I drag myself out of bed every morning and, after getting a few things ready for the day ahead, I go into Amber's room to wake her up. This usually takes about a minute or two. . .or five. I usually sit on her bed and start calling her name softly a few times . . . nothing. Then I give her a few kisses... nothing still, and then suddenly she bolts up, bleary-eyed, hair pointing every which way, and looks around as if saying "what happened?! wha..!? I'm up, I'M UP!"

Poor child, she is so used to waking up at 6:15 a.m., when darkness still reigns both inside and outside our house, that the other night I went to check on her before heading to bed, and as I moved her around to rearrange her covers a bit, she sat up and started trying to get out of bed. It took quite a few "no, no, it's ok, go back to sleep. Mom's just checking on you," but she eventually curled back up in bed and went to sleep. I gave her a kiss, and as I was walking away I heard "love youuu." :)

Monday, February 02, 2009

Travel Log

We are back by popular demand! (you know who you are ;) ) Amber and I had a chance to spend a week's vacation in unusually sunny Seattle last month. Here's what we did...


We flew up up and away, above a cloudy Boise sky

Landed in Seattle

...then went to dinner with Grandma and Grandpa


Got ready for church (and checked on everyone else).

Amber caught up on some family history...mostly about herself :)

After church, we went for a walk with Grandpa

... and hung out at the park.

My dad didn't have to work that day, so we went to lunch.

Amber got not one but two balloons (to the envy of a little boy sitting a few tables away).

We spent the afternoon watching a movie (or 2 1/2),

and rented one of these to get us around town for rest of the week.


Amber got this

... and I got this

... before sitting down to watch this.

Later on, we picked Grandma up from work and went off to play

We took some time out to fly a helicopter

... and go 4 wheelin'.

Amber went horseback riding for the first time and love-love-love-loooooved it

That evening, she and her cousin Jack spent some quality time at Red Robin.
(and yes, that was the second time we went there in one week :) )


Thursday it was time for a playdate for Jack and Amber.

... and me too!

Yes, those legs you see right there belong to yours truly. :P


In the morning, we went here --> to get my mom a library card.

We spent time shopping and doing some more of this...

took "him" back...

And went to dinner here


After a nice bath
(NOT the first one that week, just the only one I actually "documented")

We packed up and headed over to the airport.
Amber had a chance to spend time in the airport's play area.
(Thanks, Mr. Friendly TSA guy, for telling us about it!)

And off we flew back to Boise!

Hopefully, this post means I'll be updating the blog more often than every 3 weeks, but don't hold your breath :P