Saturday, March 22, 2008

There's a first time for everything....

As promised in the post below, here is the follow-up post about Amber's first haircut. Things started off well enough...

the bib's a little too big, but ok...

the "windblown look" isn't exactly Amber's style
(check out Andrew's smile in the background)

just a little off the back...

...and the sides

sooo glad we're done =)

I love the wording: "has bravely met all the requirements..."

And just in case you were wondering (you know you were...) if Amber looks more like Mom or Dad, here is a picture of me (Vanesa) at her age, and I had even less hair than she does!

The Zoo, The Easter Bunny and tons of Easter eggs

We enjoyed our first visit to Zoo Boise last Saturday, as well as Amber's first Easter egg hunt. Amber seemed to be more interested in the plastic and wooden animals we found at the Zoo, but she still had a great time and perfected her tiger / lion roar (raaargh!). We had a 2nd Easter egg hunt today at the church. Check out the pictures below...

Zoo & Easter

Amber also had her first haircut today, but that is the subject of another post entirely... (see above)

Saturday, March 08, 2008

All about Andrew

I've been preparing this post for a while, and I've asked Andrew to pick his favorite picture so I could include it in the post. He hasn't yet, so I'll do it for him....

Finally, here is everything you ever wanted to know about Andrew and were afraid to ask...

How long have you been together:
We started dating in August 2002, so 5 1/2 years.

How long did you date:
8 months, including our engagement. He asked me out in August and, from the first date on, we saw each other every day. We started talking about marriage around Thanksgiving and got engaged on December 9th. We were married 4 months later, on April 12th.

How old is he:

Who eats more:
Andrew, except when I was pregnant..

Who said I love you first:

Who is taller:
Helloooo? Andrew

Who is smarter:
Andrew is smart in mechanic and practical stuff (cars, motorcycles, making furniture, etc.) I'm more of a bookworm.

Who does the laundry:
I do Amber's and my clothes, sheets, towels...Andrew does most of his stuff.

Who does the dishes:

I do, most of the time

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed:

Who pays the bills:
I do, but I let Andrew know when bills are due, and he knows where the money is going.

Who mows the lawn:

Who cooks dinner:
We trade, but I have to say Andrew makes dinner quite often.

Who is more stubborn:
We both are

Who kissed who first:
Andrew, and he even asked "may I kiss you?" (awww, sweet!)

Who asked who out:

Who proposed:
Andrew did. Twice on the same night.

Who is more sensitive:
We are both pretty sensitive, but Andrew isn't afraid to cry.

Who has more friends:
Andrew has more friends in town, or closer to Boise than I do, but I think we're pretty even.

Who has more siblings:

Andrew. He's the 5th of 7.

Who wears the pants in the relationship:

I think we trade, but I look better in them (he he).

Got questions or other random facts about Andrew? Leave a comment!