Tuesday, August 09, 2011

What's the story? (Part III - up to date)

I guess I forgot that some of my (3.5) readers didn't know what we're having.  I just assumed I'd told everyone in person, via email or Facebook.  Obviously not.

Well, we are having a boy and a girl :)  Here are a couple of snapshots from the 20 week ultrasound in April (could have posted these 3+ months ago, I know...)

 Baby boy
 Baby girl
 ...and a little sibling rivalry in utero

Andrew and Amber came with me to the ultrasound.  Amber was kind of interested in the babies, but mostly it was a bit boring: dark room, not much talking, a TV with no cartoons.  The ultrasound tech was very sweet and gave her paper and crayons, which entertained her for most of the time.  Andrew was just hoping at least one of the babies would be a boy, so he was watching the screen very closely.  Well, the first baby she scanned was Baby Girl, and Andrew just couldn't help it:  "Can you go over and scan the other baby before you measure this one?"  The tech responded with a firm "No", and let him squirm for a few more minutes.  Once she found everything was fine with Baby A (girl), she moved on to Baby B.  I think Andrew's exact words were "Is it just wishful thinking, or am I seeing what I think I'm seeing?"  Yep, Baby B =  boy.

  The weeks after that ultrasound seemed to go by slowly, but starting at about 27-28 weeks, it feels like everything sped up and we're now at 35 weeks, only 5 weeks away from the due date.  Because Amber had to be delivered via c-section, my doctor didn't want to put the babies or me at risk and scheduled a repeat c-section.  That will be on September 1st, a little more than 3 weeks away!   I KNOW!

Right now, we're trying to prepare as much as we can, but I have a feeling we won't have time to do all the things we'd like to do before these babies get here. Oh well, at least their room is painted...