Saturday, May 21, 2011

What's the story, morning glory? (part I)

Well, I figured it was about time I posted an update.  Every time I look at that baby ticker on the right, it keeps whispering "well, are you gonna post anything? only 6/5/4 months left, heeellooo!"

Here's the story:

As most of you may know, we went through fertility treatments to conceive Amber.  I wasn't sure if/when we'd have the chance to have more children.  In the fall of 2009, Andrew told me he thought it was time to try again.  I felt the same way, but the day after we talked about it , he lost his job, so we had to put things on hold. Andrew decided to sign up at the local college to get a degree as a surgical technologist, which would take about 2 1/2 years.  He started his first semester in January 2010.  During the next few months, I found myself getting used to the idea that maybe we were not going to be able to have any more children. By the time he could finish his degree and secure a job, I would be almost or already 40 years old, and I felt uneasy going through treatments after that age.

Andrew went through his first 3 semesters, doing very well and preparing to apply for the Surgical Tech program  in March of this year (he'd been working on prerequisites).  Sometime in  late October/ early November of last year, he approached me again and said he felt it was time for us to try to have another child.  I was stunned.  Here we are, he's not even halfway through the program, I'm working part-time and doing freelance work. It just didn't seem like the right time to me. Still, I thought and prayed about it, and started feeling that maybe we could make it work. We agreed we would only do one round (one month) of fertility treatments.  If it worked, wonderful. If it didn't, we would wait or eventually decide not to try again.

We met with our doctor and she suggested we replicate the treatment that helped us conceive Amber.  We started treatment at the beginning of December (injections, yay!).  We were done with the injections by mid December; now we had to get through the dreaded 2-week wait.  There isn't much you can do during those two weeks, other than over analyze every symptom you think  you have and count down the days until you can find out whether or not you're pregnant.  I had symptoms, but I didn't know if I should chalk them up to the side effects of the injections or (secretly) hope I was pregnant.

Finally, New Year's Eve came around and I could not wait any longer.  I stocked up on pregnancy tests and took one of them that day. 

two lines!