Sunday, February 15, 2009

A little perspective

So, last week I had one of "those" days.

First, I had get through 90+ minutes of this to get to work...

while loaded up on some of this stuff, thanks to a miserable cold...

and, to add insult to injury, I opened my purse when I got to work
and found this had happened to my new phone...
(red marking added for emphasis ;) )

Funny thing, it only took five minutes of this to get me back into a (very) good mood...


Nate and Lana Hope said...

It is so nice how little smiles and giggles can make the most miserable situations totally flipflop! That's what it's all about! :)

Joe and Joanne said...

Oh no...I'm so sorry to hear about your bad day. 90 minutes in traffic is enough to make any day bad - the phone incident and a cold just about enough to make one crazy. Sorry! I hope things get better. Aren't children wonderful? They bring everything back into perspective. I hope you had a happy valentines weekend!

drb42 said...

I hate driving in bad traffic! Glad you made it safe to the place where you were headed!