Friday, January 08, 2010


No, not the show! The title refers to the challenge to read the Book of Mormon in 30 days.  Remember I mentioned I had fallen behind?  Well, I'm still reading.  It turns out my reading speed is nowhere near what I thought it was.  I decided the worst thing I could do, once the 30 days were over, was to just give up and stop reading.  So here I am, in the middle of Alma... I'll keep you posted with my progress.


Nate and Lana Hope said...

Keep going! It's awesome that you have made it that far! :) I'm pretty sure the point is to read it. You are awesome!

Amberly said...

Good job for sticking with it. I didn't make it either but I gave it a good go. Going out of town really threw off my rhythm. So I didn't do it in 30 days this time but I'm going to try again just NOT when two of the weeks fall in school vacation time...

Deah said...

I closed my other blog, but today, I just started a new one. there isn't munch on there.