Saturday, March 22, 2008

The Zoo, The Easter Bunny and tons of Easter eggs

We enjoyed our first visit to Zoo Boise last Saturday, as well as Amber's first Easter egg hunt. Amber seemed to be more interested in the plastic and wooden animals we found at the Zoo, but she still had a great time and perfected her tiger / lion roar (raaargh!). We had a 2nd Easter egg hunt today at the church. Check out the pictures below...

Zoo & Easter

Amber also had her first haircut today, but that is the subject of another post entirely... (see above)


Joe and Joanne said...

Cute! I love the pics of her by the plastic penguin. How did she handle the Easter Bunny? Was she okay with being on his lap? Most children would scream at that point, but she seems to be handling it quite well from the picture.

Vanesa said...

She loooved the Easter Bunny! We couldn't keep her away from him. The same thing happened with Santa Claus at Christmastime. Our little social butterfly...