Friday, October 10, 2008

They say it's your birthday!

Amber turned two yesterday.
(Already? you say... I can't believe it either)

A cute card from Grandma and Grandpa

After a "Happy Birthday!" , the day started off like most days: we had breakfast, watched cartoons and did a little cleaning around the house. Then Amber stayed at a friend's house while I worked (over the phone). After that, we went window shopping for a "big girl bed" ( this will be a joint gift between Grandma and Grandpa Molnar and Mom and Dad) and bought "Big Bird's First Book of Letters ". Once we came home, it was time for a nap, and while Amber slept, I took care of few other things (work and house related) until Andrew came home.

At about 7:30ish, a UPS truck came by with a present from Christian, Kristen, Hannah, Ethan and Jack (in Seattle).

Oh fun! A box!

Mmm... packing peanuts

A birthday card from Christian, Kristen and the kids


A dress-up trunk with 2 Tinkerbelle dresses - wings and everything!

Later on, Amelia and Jeremiah came over for some pizza and birthday brownies, and some more present-opening madness ensued =).

What is that, uncle Jer?

Letter magnets!

Look at that smile and those hands

Let's Rock!

Please don't make me blow out the candles!

Aaalright, I'll do it

Mmm, chocolatey goodness
(much better than packing peanuts...)

That was Amber's birthday in a blogger nutshell... which reminds me, we started this blog a year ago with a mention of Amber's birthday.
It just goes to show you, it's all about...


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Amber!! Dallas just turned 2 too, he's still waiting for his b-day present, poor little guy! I bookmarked your blog and I'll swing by often! I have one too if you'd like to read about our crazy life. Besos.

Joe and Joanne said...

Wow - happy birthday to Amber! I love the pictures of her Vanesa. Those teethy smiles and rosey cheeks are SO CUTE!

Nate and Lana Hope said...

What a fun day! She is too cute! Two years old is so much fun!

drb42 said...

Your daughter is getting bigger! She is so cute! Thanks for the Borah sweatshirts!! Got a kick out of it!