Tuesday, September 30, 2008

You'll shoot your eye out, kid!

No, no, this post has nothing to do with the movie "A Christmas Story" or with Christmas for that matter.
Halloween isn't even here yet.
This post has to do with sippy cups, of all things.

Amber just asked me for her favorite sippy cup. It has a flip-up straw and has been very useful in helping Amber transition out of more bottle-like sippies. It has just one small teensy-weensy problem: whenever we flip up the straw, it squirts water in all directions!

After our first encounter with "the straw" Amber and I both learned to avert our eyes whenever we opened the sippy's flip-up lid. This morning, however, Amber was being careful as always, but I bent down to hug her at just the right time and...
My right eye received the watery wrath of the flip up straw.

Owie = (

1 comment:

Joe and Joanne said...

Oh wow! Ouch!

It seems like lately I've both heard an read of so many malfunction-ous children's accessories it's uncanny! Sounds like they're dangerous for adults too! :)

The picture of the sippy cups is a great visual - those are nice! I've never seen them before in all my years as an aunt. I can just hear the marketers now..."Who cares if they're safe -- at least they look pretty!" :)